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Auction Sheet Verification Japaniess Car

You can check all Japan live and Tender bid auctions True report.

Your trusted source for Japanese auction vehicles.

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About Us

Jitsuroku.Tokyo Japan stands for All Auto Auctions from Japan. We offer over 70,000 lots daily where you can find new and used cars, bikes, boats or specialty vehicles from over 120 auctions from Japan. Actual record. Tokyo. has been exporting cars to various countries since 2000.We are always welcoming new private customers and dealers who want to take advantage of wholesale prices and quality service. Buying a car has never been easier with our car finder. You can see pictures and all the true details of the car you want to buy from the auction listing and our staff will help translate all your Japanese notes. All you need to do is bid from the comfort of your own home After you have successfully purchased a true report. Our goal is to provide you and your business with the best possible service!

  • live auction
  • bid auction
  • Sealed record of the past

True-report jpcenter.jp Japan stands for All Auto Auctions from Japan. We offer over 70,000 lots daily where you can find new and used cars, bikes, boats or specialty vehicles from over 120 auctions from Japan. Actual record. Tokyo. has been exporting cars to various countries since 2000. We are always welcoming new private customers and dealers who want to take advantage of wholesale prices and quality service. Buying a car has never been easier with our car finder. You can see pictures and all the true details of the car you want to buy from the auction listing and our staff will help translate all your Japanese notes.All you need to do is bid from the comfort of your own home All you have to do is After successfully purchasing a true report. Our goal is to provide you and your business with the best possible service!

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We provide API 140 Japaniess Auction Sheet True Report & Report + 7 years dealer panel in 12 languages.



There are huge amounts of used car auctions in Japan where everyone could find the vehicle which suits them best. In Japan could be found around 30 well-known auction centers and more than 200 local auctions. The most famous throughout all of Japan are USS, TAA, JAA, HAA, and CAA. The main reasons why Japanese auctions are so popular are good quality checkout vehicle systems and well-developed auction rules. All vehicles on the auctions get their unique lot numbers and auction lists which characterize the car. The system of conventional symbols and short descriptions is enough to make a purchasing decision. Also, to help you to choose the right bid for your car, it is available car statistics where you could find all information about sold car’s brand, model, chassis ID, year, mileage, or color. A lot of cars could be found in different countries after auctions because the Japanese car market is highly valuable all over the world!

Online Auctions

Auction List: IAA, JAA, JU, KAA, KCAA, LAA, MIRIVE, NAA, SAA, TAA, USS, ZIP. Most of the cars could be found at the Online Japanese Auctions. the consumer want to purchase the car, will help him.

Sealed Bid Auction

Auction List: AEP, IPA, Isuzu, LUM, NAA Nyusatsu, Nissan Osaka, NPS, ORIX, SAKURA, ZERO.This auction identifies that you could bid only once and are not able to look at the bides of others.Those who offered the biggest price become the owner.when the consumer made his bid mean that he agreed to buy these vehicles in advance and could not refuse.We will help you

One Price

One Price or Dealer Stock is a place where you could find any vehicle for the fixed price. If the consumer would like to buy the car from dealer stock, he agrees with the declared price. The car at the dealer stock is purchasing quickly and without competitive bidding.we will help you

True Report info

Get the original Auction Sheet Verification. This report is an exact briefing of scratches, repairs, dents, paint or repair marks, replaced parts, mileage, airbags, rust, and corrosion assessment, interior/exterior condition and accident history ever happened before auction.So you can verify auction sheets.we will help you


First of all, you have no need to register to obtain a single True report. If you Want to do wholsell business or API for your website you need to register as a member. For the details on how to get member please mail us

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