Every auction uses a grading report or Japanese auction sheet which lists the details of the vehicle plus information about the vehicle condition. Each auction house is a little different in the reporting format but the basic information remains the same. Vehicles are given from 0 to 6 for the overall grade (6 is the best) with A to D used for interior grade (A is the best). Some auctions will add an extra A to D grade for body condition, so you may see a 4 B B for example. Interiors graded A should be virtually as new. B is also considered extremely clean, and C is often used for average condition. For some auctions a C is still very good, while at others it will mean the interior is dirty, has cigarette burns, or obvious wear and tear. C for a vehicle older than 10 years is generally expected, but would be cause for concern on a 2-year old vehicle. D usually means very untidy, dirty, smoke-affected, or stripped out for racing. Grade 3 or 3.5 can also be the result of a minor accident repair. Repairs are usually denoted with XX on the affected panels, but can be hidden in the auction sheet notes section written in Japanese. Very minor repairs to front panels may be considered where it’s obvious that only bumpers or front panels have been repainted and any parts replacement has not affected the front structure. If there is any doubt about this we will avoid the vehicle as it is simply not worth the risk of rejection by your compliance workshop. We generally source only vehicles graded 4 and higher on the Japanese auction sheet, and grade 4.5+ for cars less than 6 years old. Occasionally a lower grade vehicle might be worth considering, e.g. some large scrapes and scratches on the bodykit / bumpers could result in a 3.5 or 4 grade for what is otherwise a nice vehicle. This cosmetic damage may be easy to fix yet result in significant savings on newer vehicles. Grade 2 indicates very poor condition or water damage. Grade 1 is a sign of ‘significant modifications’ – this could be performance upgrades such as larger turbos, a transmission change from auto to manual, an engine change, or prepared for racing. It is therefore a matter of reviewing the Japanese auction sheet and pictures for any vehicles of interest with an open mind to determine those worth further inspection. Any that look promising will be physically inspected by our agent at auction to confirm actual condition and more pictures will be taken. We then contact you to discuss condition and your budget. See What We Do for more detail on the auction inspection and bidding process.